stair cases and summer

I'll keep this short and sweet. Loads of decks being built, large small, roof top decks, big garden decks, sloping decks, etc etc blah blah blah, here a few photos

Here's a roof deck deck we built in Aberystwyth. The garden in this propery wasnt large but adding a roof top deck and making the staircase as compact as possible whilst still keeping the steps easy to use has created a great outdoor living space. A challenging but rewarding design and build for us!

Decking staircase

Decking stair case with multiple landings 

Roof top decking

Roof top decking pano!

privacy fencing

Combined balustrades and privacy railing 

Building the deck

What can I say! If Id known Keith Morris was taking a pic I'd have turned around for him to get my good side!