Here's a garden re-design project we just finished. Built over a heat-wave this deck really had us feeling tropical!
We had a big area to work with here and wanted to break it up but still keep things functional. The owners are very keen gardeners and also wanted separated areas and room to plant some already well established large plants. Heres what we did!
We had a big area to work with here and wanted to break it up but still keep things functional. The owners are very keen gardeners and also wanted separated areas and room to plant some already well established large plants. Heres what we did!
Retaining wall built in random height reclaimed railway sleepers. Diagonally laid decking and to the left a slatted top for a pond filter unit
Multiple deck levels!
Well be returning soon to take photos of this planter with its new plants
Were loving this new look garden, made even better by blue skys and a summer heat wave, ideal for enjoying a new deck
Hope you like this project, well be adding a whole selection of new decking photos soon