Creating outdoor living space

We've just wrapped up one of our tallest decks of the year, down at a lovely rural area between Carmarthenshire and Pembroke in West Wales.
We designed a decking based around our customers needs and desire of turning an otherwise useless piece of sloping ground into 35 square meters of useable decking space incorporating access to the large garden form the back door and a new stair case to easily access the lower garden.
 Here's a before and after of the 9.6 x 3 meter timber decking...

Adding the staircase to the decked balcony area

Post and beam style construction ensure weight is evenly distributed. Legs are bolted onto galvanised steel feet set in concrete  

The completed timber decking space

Square Balustrade rails, and looking out over the garden 

The finished result of this useful and property enhancing timber decking. 

Although were located in Machynlleth, we're happy to travel across Wales and parts of England, (on request) to design and build Timber decks...